I dealt with a local publicists for Jonathan Powell. If you don't know who he is then you clearly have been living under a lobster shell. The publicists kept everything so secretive and made sure the locations were just hush hush, so the paparazzi wouldn't be able to find where we were going to be shooting. 

I get a call from probably one of the most famous South Portland Maine residence April Cohen who is a huge mogul business owner and networking guru. I might add this girl has a serious passion for Maine fashion.  Over the phone she explained she "knew" a guy. How very Brooklyn of her. I love a little adventure and so I was game to receive anything out of a white van on the corner. She clarified that her childhood friend who was releasing his first book and needed a Los Angeles Photographer who could bring a little Brooklyn street attitude to an approachable Portland Maine.  I like a project so I said yes! 

Normally, we  have a day for just wardrobe selection, we have a day for location scouting, and we have 13 hours production day. This situation was a little different as Jonathan was hopping on a jet to head here in a New York Minute, but this is my style. I love spontaneous shoots and off the cuff creativity. 

In the end we shot an entire catalog for Jonathan Powell and his soon to be realized book Powellogy. We my company is designing for him! So needless to say we are super stoked about that. 

I'm super stoked to show off  these 40 frames of the 170 frames we have for Jonathan to use over his website and social media. Hope you enjoy these! 

Caffeine Creative is a Creative Agency, All things Marketing and Advertising whether Digital or Tangle.  Photographer Patrick Jones an Internationally Published Photographer from Los Angeles and now in Portland Maine. I own Caffeine Creative, a Creative Agency. I work with clients from the West Coast to East Coast. I've been doing Photography several years now, but have a long history in Design/Film/Television and Radio. I'm pretty passionate about espresso and making latte art. Follow me on Instagram (SurJones) to see a peak instead a my daily hustle!