I've been to a few parades. I can literally count on one hand, but I will say this was to funnest and most energy from the people in the parade as well as the people on both sides of street. I was super excited learn about the parade, and being I've been on the hunt to shoot more Fire Fighter headshots (see my South Portland Fire Fighter Headshots here) I cover these events show how much I appreciate them! There are many things going on today, but we have another shoot (sorry I had to miss the funstivities at Fort Williams) and had to take off to get ready for the other shoot! I hope you like the images, and we'll get them up on FB later today, so please wait until then, to use these images on your personal FB pages. Please Like our Page, Share this blog, and Comment when I get these on FB. Lastly, please don't be that one person who crops my images. That's not cool :) (

Great seeing so many of you today and hope you love the images! 


Caffeine Creative is a Creative Agency, All things Marketing and Advertising whether Digital or Tangle.  Photographer Patrick Jones an Internationally Published Photographer from Los Angeles and now in Portland Maine. I own Caffeine Creative, a Creative Agency. I work with clients from the West Coast to East Coast. I've been doing Photography several years now, but have a long history in Design/Film/Television and Radio. I'm pretty passionate about espresso and making latte art. Follow me on Instagram (SurJones) to see a peak instead a my daily hustle!